Reference: I. S. Montagner, N. S. T. Hirata, R. Hirata and S. Canu, "NILC: A two level learning algorithm with operator selection," 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Phoenix, AZ, 2016, pp. 1873-1877.

NILC (short for Near Infinite Linear Combination) is a method for automatically creating combinations of image transforms, also known as two level transforms.

NILC receives as input a large neighborhood window W and a regularization parameter \(\lambda\). It works builds a combination of transformations by, at each iteration, selecting a random image transform (based on a random subset of window W) and then verifying if it can improve the current combination. In the positive case it includes this new transform (and possibly discards others). This process is repeat when no more improvements are found after max_age iterations or after a maximum of max_iter. The \(\lambda\) parameter controls how many transforms are selected and is typicall larger than \(1\).

There are two ways of using NILC. The first way (on the fly) executes the method iteravely and runs for at most max_iter iterations, but possibly less. The second method (pre-computed) first trains all max_iter transforms and then executes the NILC algorithm. Although there is large possibility of wasting resources training transforms that will not be used, this allows faster iteration when determining \(\lambda\).

On the fly

The code below illustrates how to use NILC on the fly. This is good if you happen to know a very good value for \(\lambda\) or if it can be easily determined somehow.

# file docs/examples/methods/
import trios
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from trios.classifiers import SKClassifier
from trios.feature_extractors import RAWFeatureExtractor

from trios.contrib.nilc.nilc import nilc, plot_progress
import trios.shortcuts.window as w

import numpy as np

# Activate logging so that we can follow NILC progress
import logging

def operator_with_random_window(training_set, domain_window):
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(12) # set this to select the same windows everytime
    while True:
        win = w.random_win(domain_window, 40, rndstate=rnd)
        op = trios.WOperator(win, 
        yield op

if __name__ == '__main__':
    images ='../jung-images/level1.set')
    images2 ='../jung-images/level2.set')
    test ='../jung-images/test.set')

    domain = np.ones((9, 7), np.uint8)

    op2, progress = nilc(images, images2, operator_with_random_window, domain, lamb=4.2, max_iter=50, max_age=10)

    print('Final error:', op2.eval(test))
    print('Number of transforms:', len(op2.extractor))
Final error: 0.0043036171599157465
Number of transforms: 8

On the fly NILC receives many arguments. The first two are trios.Imagesets to be used during training.

The operator_with_random_window function can either returning a list of max_iter operators or it can be a generator that yields new operators. If you do not know what a generator function is follow this link for a simple explanation. Or just follow the template above and create a function with an infinite loop and a yield inside it.

The domain argument is a large neighborhood window. All transforms combined are restricted to this window. The lamb, max_iter and max_age arguments were already explained above.


The code below illustrates how to use NILC precomputed. This is useful if you do not know which \(\lambda\) to use and want to run the method many times with different values.

# file docs/examples/methods/
import trios
from trios.contrib.nilc.nilc import nilc_precomputed, plot_progress
import trios.shortcuts.window as w

import numpy as np

# Activate logging so that we can follow NILC progress
import logging

from nilc1 import operator_with_random_window
from trios.feature_extractors import CombinationPattern
import itertools

if __name__ == '__main__':
    images ='../jung-images/level1.set')
    images2 ='../jung-images/level2.set')
    test ='../jung-images/test.set')

    domain = np.ones((9, 7), np.uint8)

    # Train all 50 transforms before starting NILC and apply them to images2
    # This takes the fist 50 elements from the iterator and returns them.
    operators_50 = list(itertools.islice(operator_with_random_window(images, domain),

    comb = CombinationPattern(*operators_50)
    Z, y = comb.extract_dataset(images2, True)
    # nilc_precomputed requires the target vector coded in 0-1 labels
    y = y / 255

    which_ops, cls2nd, progress = nilc_precomputed(Z, y, lamb=4.2, max_age=10)

    selected_transforms = [op for i, op in enumerate(operators_50) if i in which_ops]
    comb_final = CombinationPattern(*selected_transforms)

    op2 = trios.WOperator(domain, cls2nd, comb_final)

    print('Final error:', op2.eval(test))
    print('Number of transforms:', len(op2.extractor))
Final error: 0.0043036171599157465
Number of transforms: 8

Using NILC pre-computed requires some setup. First, it is necessary to train all max_iter operators and apply them to the training images. Use use the same operator_with_random_window function to generate operators to ensure that both versions will yield the same results. Second, we must apply all operators to a second training set (images2). We do this by exploting the CombinationPattern extractor (described in Two-level transforms). nilc_precomputed also expects the target vector y to be coded using 0 or 1 labels, so we need to convert as well.

After nilc_precomputed we need to assemble a two level transform, since it only receives the output of the combined transforms but not the transforms themselves.

Both versions of NILC produce the same output, but each is more adequate for certain situations. Also notice that the results are superior to simples approaches. The only necessary extra step was to calibrate \(\lambda\) so that the combination has a reasonable number of transforms.