
Reference: Sobel, Irwin. (2014). An Isotropic 3 3 Image Gradient Operator. Presentation at Stanford A.I. Project 1968

Sobel Operator is used in image processing to create an image that emphasizes the edges of the original image. This operator uses two different 3x3 kernels that are convolved with the original image, creating two distinct images, where one emphasize the horizontal edges and the other emphasize the vertical ones. With these two images, the gradient's magnitude and the gradient's direction can be calculated.

The feature extractor based on the Sobel operator convolve the original image (limited by the given mask) with the two Sobel kerneles. Then, it calculates the edge magnitude of the region of interest, and returns the edge magnitude as a feature vector.

# file docs/examples/methods/
from trios.classifiers import SKClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from trios.contrib.features.sobel import SobelExtractor
import trios
import numpy as np

import trios.shortcuts.persistence as p

drive_location = 'datasets/drive'
training = trios.Imageset([
    ('%s/training/images/%2d_training.tif'%(drive_location, i),
    '%s/training/1st_manual/%2d_manual1.gif'%(drive_location, i),
    '%s/training/mask/%2d_training_mask.gif'%(drive_location, i))
    for i in range(21, 41)])

testset = trios.Imageset([
    ('%s/test/images/%02d_test.tif'%(drive_location, i),
    '%s/test/1st_manual/%02d_manual1.gif'%(drive_location, i),
    '%s/test/mask/%02d_test_mask.gif'%(drive_location, i))
    for i in range(1, 21)])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    win = np.ones((9,9), np.uint8)
    sobel = SobelExtractor(window=win)
    op = trios.WOperator(win, SKClassifier(DecisionTreeClassifier()), sobel)
    print('Accuracy:', 1 - op.eval(testset))